pangeran lorenz dari belgia, adipati agung austria-este bahasa Inggris
- pangeran: prince; princes; princely; princess; lord; queen
- lorenz: konrad lorenz; konrad zacharias lorenz; lorenz
- dari: be of; from; from out of; from the; of; than;
- adipati: duke; grand duke; adipati; dukes
- adipati agung: grand duke
- agung: glorious; grand; great; imposing; lodly;
- pangeran amedeo dari belgia, adipati agung austria-este: prince amedeo of belgium
- ferdinand dari austria-este: ferdinand karl, archduke of austria-este
- maria theresia dari austria-este, ratu sardinia: maria theresa of austria-este, queen of sardinia
- wangsa austria-este: austria-este
- adipati utama maximilian franz dari austria: archduke maximilian francis of austria
- adipati belgia: dukes of belgium
- adipati austria: dukes of austria
- lorenz dari werle: lorenz of werle
- adipati utama karl joseph dari austria (1745–1761): archduke charles joseph of austria (born 1745)